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Report Abuse or Misconduct

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To report abuse or misconduct anonymously, use the link above. Reports can also be made by emailing or call 314.213.6100, ext. 7804.

Title IX Coordinator for the District:
Dr. Howard Fields,

Student safety and well-being are of utmost importance to the district. There are multiple policies that are in place addressing inappropriate sexual behavior. You can also view the applicable portions of the Title IX Handbook below. 

Staff members are expected to maintain courteous and professional relationships with students. Inappropriate interactions with students will result in disciplinary action or termination when the district determines such action is necessary to protect students.

Any person, including a student, who has concerns about or is uncomfortable with a relationship or activities between a staff member and a student should bring this concern immediately to the attention of the principal, counselor, or staff member's supervisor. Any staff member who possesses knowledge or evidence of a possible violation of district policy must immediately make a report to the district's administration.

In addition, there are programs in our buildings, starting at the early childhood level, that teach children about appropriate and inappropriate touching and identifying people who can help. For more information, visit



Since the report was presented and released publicly on June 28, 2021, the Kirkwood School District has been in contact with Encompass Resolution on an ongoing basis to determine if there were any pending allegations that were reported to them or investigations that required follow-up by the District. Any allegations regarding current personnel have been resolved in accordance with applicable Kirkwood Board of Education policies and laws. We have also been in contact with law enforcement with regards to any open cases or allegations; there are no active, open investigations into sexual abuse for any current staff in the Kirkwood School District.
The final, independent report by Encompass Resolution, “Independent Assessment and Investigation of Culture and Climate” was presented to the School Board at its regularly scheduled meeting on June 28, 2021. This is the second report presented by the independent firm, which was selected during a request for proposal process. The final report is available at: