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Menus and Pricing

Meal Prices

Meal Prices for the 2024-2025 School Year

Student Breakfast Price is $2.60

Elementary Lunch Price is $3.45

Middle and High School Base Lunch Price is $3.60

Middle and High School Tier 1 Lunch Price is $4.10

Middle and High School Tier 2 Lunch Price is $4.60

Adult Breakfast Price is $3.60

Adult Lunch Price is $4.70 for base meal, and where available, $5.20 for Tier 1, and $5.70 for Tier 2

The District will have enhanced menu offerings at the high school and middle school again for the 2024-2025 school year.  Menu enhancement examples include: whole white muscle chicken patties (breaded and spicy), grilled chicken, specialty pasta and Italian selections, and an increased variety of seasonal fresh fruit and vegetables.  Some of these offerings will require tiered pricing of $4.10 and $4.60 per meal.  All meal prices will be clearly marked and students who qualify for free and reduced-priced meals will be allowed to select any meal, including the higher tiered meals, at no additional cost to the student. 

Sign up for My SchoolBucks offers families a secure system to fund school meals. If you have already signed up for it and you had automatic payments set up last year, you will need to re-sign up for these automatic payments again this year. There is a $3.25 transaction fee per account for using MySchoolBucks.