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Indicator 3.8 Meta-Cognitive, Critical and Creative Thinking

KSD Professional Library Search: Locate these resources IN DISTRICT.
Below are links to resources and publisher websites. SEARCH the KSD Professional Library to locate purchased copies of these resources IN DISTRICT.

A Whole New Mind: Why Right-Brainers Will Rule the Future
Pink, D. H. (2006). A whole new mind: Why right-brainers will rule the future. New York: Riverhead Books.

Academic Conversations: Classroom Talk That Fosters Critical Thinking and..
Zwiers,J. & Crawford,M.(2011). Academic conversations:Classroom talk that fosters critical thinking & content understandings.Portland,ME:Stenhouse.

Creativity, Inc.: Overcoming the Unseen Forces that Stand in the Way of...
Catmull, E. E., & Wallace, A. (2014). Creativity, Inc.: Overcoming the unseen forces that stand in the way of true inspiration. NY: Random House.

Developing Minds: A Resource Book for Teaching Thinking
Costa, A. L. (2001). Developing minds: A resource book for teaching thinking. Alexandria, VA: ASCD.

How to Teach Thinking Skills Within the Common Core
Bellanca,J.A., Fogarty,R. & Pete,B.M. (2012). How to teach thinking skills within the common core. IN: Solution Tree Press.

Learning at the Intersections of Science, Literacy, Gaming...
Smith, T., et. al. [Educational Innovator]. (2016). Learning at the Intersections of Science, Literacy, Gaming, and Making. [Webinar - 1 hour].

Mathematical Mindsets: Unleashing Students' Potential Through Math...
Boaler, J.(2016).Mathematical mindsets:Unleashing students' potential through creative math, inspiring messages & innovative teaching.CA:Jossey-Bass

Metacognition Teaching Guide
Chick, N. (n.d.). Metacognition. Vanderbilt University Center for Teaching.

Solving Real-World Issues Through Problem-Based Learning
Edutopia. (2016, November). Schools That Work - Practice - Two Rivers Public Charter School.

Sparking Student Creativity: Practical Ways to Promote Innovative Thinking
Drapeau, P. (2014). Sparking student creativity: Practical ways to promote innovative thinking & problemsolving. Alexandria, VA: ASCD.

Steal Like an Artist: 10 Things Nobody Told You About Being Creative
Kleon, A. (2012). Steal like an artist: 10 things nobody told you about being creative. New York: Workman Pub.

Student Voice: The Instrument of Change
Quaglia, R. J., & Corso, M. J. (2014). Student voice: The instrument of change. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin.

The Teacher 50: Critical Questions for Inspiring Classroom Excellence
Kafele, B. [ASCD]. (2016). The Teacher 50: Critical Questions for Inspiring Classroom Excellence. [Webinar - 1 hour, 2 min.].

Think Like a Genius
Siler, T. (1999). Think like a genius: Use your creativity in ways that will enrich your life. New York: Bantam.

Unscripted Learning: Using Improv Activities Across the K-8 Curriculum
Lobman, C., & Lundquist, M. (2007). Unscripted learning: Using improv activities across the K-8 curriculum. New York: Teachers College Press.

Talks from Inspiring Teachers
A great teacher can change the trajectory of your life. These talks are from teachers you'll wish you had.