Indicator 2.3 Educational Equity
KSD Professional Library Search: Locate these resources IN DISTRICT.
Below are links to resources and publisher websites. SEARCH the KSD Professional Library to locate purchased copies of these resources IN DISTRICT.
Coaching for Equity
Parker, J. [Teaching Channel]. (2016). Coaching for Equity. [Video - 5 min.]
Courageous Conversations about Race: A Field Guide for Achieving Equity...
Singleton, G.E. (2015). Courageous conversations about race: A field guide for achieving equity in schools (2nd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin.
Creating the Opportunity to Learn
Boykin, A.W. & Noguera, P.(2011). Creating the opportunity to learn:Moving from research to practice to close the achievement gap. Alexandria,VA:ASCD
Disrupting Poverty: Creating a Poverty Literate Culture for Student Success
Parrett, W. and Budge, K. [ASCD]. (2016). Disrupting Poverty: Creating a Poverty Literate Culture for Student Success. [Webinar - 1 hour, 6 min.].
Leadership for Equity and Excellence: Creating High-Achievement...
Scheurich,J.J. & Skrla,L.(2003).Leadership for equity & excellence:Creating high-achievement classrooms,schools & districts.Thousand Oaks, CA:Corwin
Opening Doors to Equity
Singer, T. W. (2015). Opening doors to equity: A practical guide to observation-based professional learning. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin.
Teaching with Poverty in Mind
Jensen, E. (2009). Teaching with poverty in mind: What being poor does to kids' brains and what schools can do about it. Alexandria, VA: ASCD.
The Sights and Sounds of Equitable Practices DVD
Javius, E. L. (2011). The sights and sounds of equitable practices. [DVD]. ASCD.