Indicator 1.1 Collaboration and Collegiality
KSD Professional Library Search: Locate these resources IN DISTRICT.
Below are links to resources and publisher websites. SEARCH the KSD Professional Library to locate purchased copies of these resources IN DISTRICT.
Deliberate Optimism
Silver, D., Berckemeyer, J. C., & Baenen, J. (2015). Deliberate optimism: Reclaiming the joy in education. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin.
Fierce Conversations
Scott, Susan. (2002) Fierce Conversations. New York, NY: Viking.
Leading Instructional Rounds in Education
Fowler-Finn, T. (2013). Leading instructional rounds in education: A facilitator's guide. Cambridge, MA: Harvard Education Press.
Lemons to Lemonade
Garmston, Robert J., and Diane P. Zimmerman. (2013). Lemons to Lemonade: Resolving Problems in Meetings, Workshops, and PLCs. Thousand Oaks, CA:Corwin
Read an Excerpt From Michael Fullan & Joanne Quinn’s book, Coherence
Fullan, M. & Quinne, J. (2015). Read an Excerpt From Michael Fullan & Joanne Quinn’s book, Coherence! Corwin Connect. October.
Results Now
Schmoker, M. J. (2006). Results now: How we can achieve unprecedented improvements in teaching and learning. Alexandria, VA: ASCD
Talk About Teaching
Danielson, C. (2009). Talk about teaching. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press, a Joint publication with the National Staff Development Council.
The Adaptative School
Garmston, Robert J. (2016) The Adaptive School: A Sourcebook for Developing Collaborative Groups. 3rd ed. Norwood, MA: Christopher-Gordon
The Eight Tenets of a Relevant Connected Educator
Anderson. S & Whitby. T. [Common Sense Education]. (2015). The Eight Tenets of a Relevant Connected Educator. [Webinar - 55:11 min]
The Transformative Power of Collaborative Inquiry
Donohoo,J., & Velasco,M.(2016).The transformative power of collaborative inquiry: Realizing change in schools & classrooms.Thousand Oaks,CA: Corwin.
Transforming School Culture
Muhammad, A. (2009). Transforming school culture: How to overcome staff division. Bloomington, IN: Solution Tree Press.