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New to Kirkwood Schools

Use this page to enroll a new student or incoming kindergartner. Students coming from KECC will also need to enroll as new students. 

Step 1: Gather all required information & documentation before you begin the online registration process. Infinite Campus will not allow you to move forward without the appropriate materials. 

  • Birth Certificate: issued by Bureau of Vital Statistics - baptismal/hospital certificates are not acceptable - only use the name given and recorded on the birth certificate

  • Immunization record: Missouri law states that your child will be excluded on the first day of school if you do not have proof of your child having had these immunization requirements.

  • Proof of Residency: Under Missouri school law (RSMo 167.151), a student must live within a school district in order to attend that district’s public schools without charge. “The term residency shall mean that a person both physically resides within a school district and is domiciled within that district. The domicile of a minor child shall be the domicile of a parent or court-appointed legal guardian." 

One document must be provided from both List A and List B.

List A (Must Submit 1)

  • Deed/Closing Statement 

  • Mortgage Statement dated within 30 days of the date of submission

  • Unexpired lease/rental agreement signed by landlord and tenant and includes the address, apartment number and date of rental

List B (Must Submit 1)

  • Occupancy permit from City Hall - Parent/Guardian must be the primary applicant
  • Utility bill (gas/electric/water/sewer) - dated within 30 days of the date of submission for verification and including the name, service and mailing address.

  • Real estate tax receipt dated within 1 year of the date of submission

  • Personal property tax receipt dated within 1 year of the date of submission

  • Declaration of Homeowners Insurance


  • If applicable: Special Education / 504 Records: (IEP, psychological/ diagnostic evaluation)

  • If applicable: Legal Documents / Court Orders: A copy of the section of the dissolution decree (not the petition) which stipulates custody in cases of parent divorce


Step 2: Register your student(s) on the Infinite Campus Online Registration website using the information you gathered above. 

  • If you do not have access to the appropriate technology to register your student online, please contact the school building directly.


Step 3: Families will receive confirmation of their application status to the email provided during registration. If any additional information is required to complete your registration, the school building will reach out to you. Please be on the lookout for communications from your building.