Tax Rate
Find out the amount of your tax dollars going to your local school district by using the property tax calculator below. This is an estimate only. This does not include taxes paid to ANY other taxing districts, including, but not limited to:
- Local Fire District
- Special School District
- Libraries
- Sewer District
- Zoo, Museum District
In order to estimate your Kirkwood School District tax obligation, you will need to provide your residential appraised value (market value). This can be found on the St. Louis County website at
This calculator provides the estimated tax obligation based on the 2024 tax rate. Taxes are paid on 19% of the appraised value of a property.
If you would like more information about property taxes paid to Kirkwood Schools, please call 314.213.6107. For general information about the property reassessment process, visit St. Louis County's web site at or call (314) 615-5500.