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Legacy Fund for the Walker Natatorium


Legacy Fund for the Walker Natatorium


Walker Natatorium Logo


Help us complete the Legacy Fund for the Walker Natatorium

The Walker Natatorium is the first competitive pool on the campus of Kirkwood High School. For the first time in school history, our students have the opportunity to learn to swim as part of the physical education curriculum, and Pioneer swim and dive and water polo teams have a home for practices and competitions. The pool was funded by a grant from the Walker Foundation.

Please help us protect this facility for generations of Pioneers by donating to the Legacy Fund. Our goal is to raise $3 million to establish the Legacy Fund and use the interest earned from the fund for general operational costs. In future years, the funds from the endowment may be used for equipment repairs and replacement.

To date, the Legacy Fund has received more than $2 million in donations and pledges toward our $3 million goal. We are grateful to our donors who have helped us reach this important fundraising milestone.

All levels of support are welcome. Every dollar given to the Legacy Fund will be used to assist with maintaining the Walker Natatorium. Please consider supporting the Legacy Fund today. All donations over $100 will be recognized within the Natatorium.

Donate Today

Within 24-hours of making your online donation, you will receive an acknowledgment email from us asking if you would like to include a personal note, tribute, or dedication with your donation. You may also proactively email tribute details to:

To make a tribute or memorial gift to The Legacy Fund via mail instead, send the details with your check to: Kirkwood School District Foundation, 1099 Milwaukee St., Kirkwood, MO 63122

Thank you for your support!