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Mark your calendar for KSDF’s       2024-2025 Fundraising &    Community Building Events

KSDF Chili Bowl

Thanksgiving Eve

The annual and premier Thanksgiving eve tradition for the Kirkwood School District Foundation, and the Kirkwood community. On the eve prior to Thanksgiving, approximately 1,400 Kirkwood residents have the opportunity to sample chili made by multiple local restaurants and vote on their favorite chili. Everyone gets to vote for the "Best Chili in Town".

The winning chili and restaurant face off on Thanksgiving day against Webster Groves winning chili and a true winner is crowned. During the event there are also stations giving away hot dogs, lemonade/water, and chips. This event also includes a silent auction that you are welcome to donate items to. It is a fun filled, family friendly evening.

KSDF Splash Expo -


March 9, 2025 from 1pm to 3pm at the Walker Natatorium

A family-friendly, swim-themed event supporting The Legacy Fund for the Walker Natatorium. Come watch your favorite teachers, principals, staff members, and student athletes make a splash for a good cause!

KSDF Spring Fling

May 3, 2025

KSDF’s spring fundraiser is a night of celebration, dinner and live auction for parents, alumni, friends and the community.