KSDF Board of Directors
2024-25 KSDF Board of Directors
The Kirkwood School District Foundation is governed by a board of directors consisting of a cross-section of Kirkwood citizens, including at least one teacher and one member of the school board. You may contact the Kirkwood School District Foundation Board at info@kirkwoodfoundation.org or 314-213-6121.
Kate Meyer, President
Bill Riggs, Vice President
Leslie Huggins, Co-Treasurer
Brad Conrad, Co-Treasurer
Erik Soell, Secretary
Eric Christensen
Kirk Faubel
Colin Gibbs
Jeffrey Kirsch
Kelli McDonald
Marie Romano
Jessica Prosperi
Gabriela Ramos
Karen Roth
Jason Terry
Kama Totherow
Hardy Washington
Ex Officio: Dr. David Ulrich, Kirkwood School District Superintendent
District Liaison: Steph Deidrick, Chief Communications Officer
School Representative: Marvin J. Williams, North Kirkwood Middle School
Board of Education Representative: Judy Moticka