Kirkwood School District Foundation
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About KSDF
The Kirkwood School District Foundation (KSDF) was established in 1989. We are a group of parents, alumni, and friends working to build a stronger community by raising private funds to enrich the educational experiences for all students in the Kirkwood School District.
We accept online donations in support of KSD students and schools.
You may also mail a check to the Kirkwood School District Foundation, 1099 Milwaukee St., Kirkwood, MO 63122.
The links provide more information about our Board of Directors, the Named Awards Scholarship program, Planned Giving, Enrichment Grants, as well as the many events and initiatives supported by KSDF.
You may contact the Kirkwood School District Foundation at or 314-213-6121.
KSDF is a tax-exempt, 501c3 charitable organization.
Kirkwood School District Foundation: EIN # 43-1526652