Middle School Options
Middle School Summer Academy - In Person Only
- Classes will meet in person, from 8:30-12:00 each Monday-Thursday. There will be two 2-week sessions, one beginning July 8 and one beginning July 22. Summer school will conclude on Aug 1st.
- Courses will be designed around week-long themes, with key math and ELA standards integrated into students' learning. Themes students might expect include topics such as Food Truck, Farm to Table, CSI: Kirkwood, Woodworking, and the Summer Olympics.
- Summer Academy is open to all rising sixth, seventh, and eighth grade students.
- Students and teachers from both schools will meet at North Kirkwood Middle School.
- All middle school students are eligible to attend, with preference will be given to those who can attend in person all eight days of either session.
- Interested families should contact your building principal and/or Matthew Banks, our Summer Academy Administrator.
Middle School Information Sheet
Enrichment and/or Adaptive Academies via Launch - Online Only - REGISTER HERE
- All current 5th-7th grade students can take online courses this summer through LAUNCH, a KSD partner based out of Springfield Public Schools. There is no cost to families or the Kirkwood School District for these courses, with funding through the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE).
- Courses run from June 5-30 and July 5-31. Students can potentially take up to two courses per month or four courses per summer, if desired.
- Live, synchronous teacher support will be available daily; one-on-one and small group support is also an option.
- Students who do not log in and participate at once per week will be automatically dropped after two weeks.
- Students can register for classes up to the first day of each session, June 5 and July 5.
Daily academy schedules for Launch (Grades 1-8) can be viewed HERE.
Middle School Options Through LAUNCH
Additional courses may be available on the LAUNCH website.