Mission & Goals
Kirkwood School District School Library/Media Centers Mission Statement
The mission of the Kirkwood R-7 school library media centers as agencies of both instruction and service is to encourage reading for pleasure and information, to support the curricular goals of our schools, to provide a variety of resources that meet the needs of our diverse populations, to teach appropriate research skills in an integrated context, and to aid other district library media centers.
Goals of Our School Library/Media Centers
The purpose of the library media center is to provide:
- Diverse resource and equipment collections appropriate for use by individuals as well as classes in the grade levels served
- Organization and maintenance of materials and equipment that facilitate optimum use
- Working areas and an environment that are well maintained, well organized, and conducive to both learning and enjoyment while using the library resources
- Management of the facility and activities that allows flexible access based on patron input and needs assessments
- Instruction that promotes a lifelong interest in reading, enables library media center patrons to function efficiently and successfully when pursuing research goals, and encourages optimum usage of library materials, resources, and services
- Support for district curriculum and instructional initiatives