Recreational & Team Sports
Course Description
Recreational & Team Sports in middle school is a wellness course that includes team, individual, and lifetime activities to develop personal fitness, fundamental movement skills, teamwork, sportsmanship, and cooperation. Various games, contests, fitness tests, and weight training workouts will be included.
Grade Level(s): 6th-8th
Related Priority Standards (State &/or National):
- Missouri Physical Education Grade Level Expectations (2007)
- MOAPHERD Missouri Physical Education Grade Level Expectations (2016)
- National Standards for K-12 Physical Education
Essential Questions
- What concepts, principles, strategies, and tactics are related to movement and performance?
- How can I achieve and maintain health-enhancing levels of physical activity and fitness?
- How can I demonstrate responsible personal and social behavior that respects self and others?
- What is the value of physical activity?
Enduring Understandings/Big Ideas
Students will responsibly and cooperatively work together to achieve a (course, unit, skill) goal with focus, effort (grit), and consistency, where each student develops an intrinsic appreciation for the pursuit of wellbeing.
Course-Level Scope & Sequence (Units &/or Skills)
Unit 1: Individual and Partner Sports
- Students will understand and participate in a variety of net sports that promote lifetime fitness.
- Pickle Ball
- Badminton
- Eclipse Ball
- Students will understand and participate in a variety of field sports that promote lifetime fitness.
- Ultimate Frisbee
- Frisbee Golf
- Students will understand and participate in a variety of lifetime sports and activities that promote lifetime fitness.
- Kanjam
- SpikeBall
- Archery
- Track & Field
- Climbing/Rockwall
Unit 2: Team Sports
- Students will understand and participate in a variety of recreational team net sports that promote lifetime fitness. They will create personalized programs and apply concepts in and with routine development.
- Badminton
- Eclipse Ball
- Pickle Ball
- Volleyball
- Tchouk Ball
- Nitro Ball
- Students will understand and participate in a variety of recreational team field sports that promote lifetime fitness.
- Power Ball
- Soccer
- Lacrosse
- Flag Football/Rugby
- Floor Hockey
- Team Handball
- Speed Ball
- Throton
- Basketball
- Softball
- Volleyball
- Boccer
Unit 3: Fitness
- Students will understand the importance of fitness in our daily lives.
- Aerobic Training
- Circuit Training
- Warm Up
- Cool Down
- Agility
**Module length will vary depending on length of course (Quarter, Semester, Year)
Course Resources & Materials: A range of PE equipment is available to students and teachers at each middle school. Teachers may also use YouTube videos and/or apps to support teaching of skills and videos to promote physical activity. FitnessGram is used to monitor student progress on fitness assessments.
Date Last Revised/Approved: 2018