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Sixth Grade Art

6th Grade Visual Arts

Course Description

Artists in the sixth grade art program will explore the art elements in relationship to art history and studio activities. Studio activities will include a variety of media in both two and three-dimensional formats. Students will begin to establish artistic practices aligned with the Eight Studio Habits, such as keeping a sketchbook and/or building a digital portfolio of their artwork.

Grade Level(s): Sixth Grade

Related Priority Standards (State &/or National):  Missouri Fine Arts Standards

Essential Questions

  • Where do artists get ideas for their artworks?
  • How do artists use tools to generate and organize possible ideas for artworks?
  • How do students organize artistic ideas for artworks?
  • How do artists use them to describe their artworks?
  • What media are used to create different types of art?
  • What techniques and knowledge are required to use specialized tools and materials?
  • How are the Art Elements used to create artworks? 
  • Why do artists revise their artwork? 
  • How do artists give and receive feedback about their artwork?
  • What are artist portfolios and how are they created and organized?
  • How do artists use the Art Elements to describe their artworks?
  • What language do artists use to respond to artworks?

Enduring Understandings/Big Ideas

  • Students will use the Art Elements to generate and organize possible ideas for artworks.
  • Students will use tools to generate and organize possible ideas for artworks.
  • Students will make artistic decisions and plan for artworks.
  • Students will create artworks using a range of media.
  • Students will persevere to create works of art.
  • Students will use techniques and knowledge to work with specialized tools and materials.
  • Students will use the Art Elements to inform and create artworks.
  • Students will produce artwork and reflect and revise their work.
  • Students will give and get feedback about their artwork from peers.
  • Students will organize artworks in an artist portfolio.
  • Students will describe what their artworks are about using the Art Elements.
  • Students will respond to works of art.

Course-Level Scope & Sequence (Units &/or Skills)

Artistic Thinking Process: Inspiration

  • Students will use tools and resources to generate and organize ideas for artworks.

Artistic Thinking Process: Design

  • Students will plan for artwork using planning sketch methods.

Artistic Thinking Process: Creation

  • Students will create artwork using a range of media. 
  • Students will persevere when creating artwork. 
  • Students will acquire new techniques and knowledge to work with specialized tools and materials. 
  • Students will revise artwork.
  • Students will provide feedback about artwork and other peers’ work.

Artistic Thinking Process: Presentation/Reflection

  • Students will learn what artist portfolios are.
  • Students will create and organize their artworks into an artist portfolio. 
  • Students will learn about the Art Elements.
  • Students will identify where they use the Art Elements in their artworks.
  • Students will learn artistic language artists use to respond to artworks.
  • Students will use artistic language to respond to artworks.

Date Last Revised/Approved: April 2023