AP Spanish Language & Culture
Course Description
In this course, Students will prepare for the Advanced Placement Spanish Language and Culture Examination. Students will write Narrations and research projects, present and justify their own opinions orally, and communicate facts and ideas with an accurate accent and in a grammatically correct fashion. Students will increase their appreciation for the richness of Hispanic literature, history and culture. Upon successful completion of this course, students may receive college credit through the Advanced Placement Examination offered by the College Board
Grade Level(s): 12th grade
Related Priority Standards (State &/or National): Missouri Course Level Expectations - World Languages
Curricula for Advanced Placement (AP) courses are created by the American College Board, which offers high level coursework and exams to high school students. Colleges and universities may grant placement and course credit to students who obtain high scores on examinations. Curriculum for each subject area is created by a panel of experts and college-level educators in that field of study. The Course Overview and the Course and Exam Description for AP Spanish Language and Culture can be found Here.
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