Course Description:
Biology: Biology is the study of matter and energy within the living world. Students will use laboratory experiences and practical application to investigate concepts of modern biology, particularly in the areas of ecology, biochemistry, cell biology, energetics, genetics, DNA, and evolution.
Honors Biology: Biology Honors is an extensive and rigorous study of matter and energy within the living world. It is designed for students with an advanced level of interest and motivation. Students will use laboratory experiences and practical application to more deeply investigate concepts of modern biology (ecology, biochemistry, cell biology, energetics, genetics, DNA, and evolution), with a greater emphasis on biochemistry, molecular biology and genetics. Principles of organic chemistry and energy are freely integrated within the course; students should have a good grounding in these topics.
Grade Level(s): 11th Grade
Related Priority Standards (State &/or National): MLS Science Standards Grades 6-12
Essential Questions
- What is life?
- What is needed for life?
- What are the elements needed for life?
- How do living organisms obtain the matter needed for life?
- How do living organisms obtain the energy needed for life?
- How is information for life coded and expressed?
- How is information for life inherited and varied?
- How is the variation in life affected by biotic and abiotic factors?
- How does genetics influence the frequency of traits?
- How does the environment affect the frequency of traits?
- How do living organisms interact with each other and their environment?
- How do living organisms thrive in diverse and dynamic ecosystems?
Course-Level Scope & Sequence (Units &/or Skills)
Unit 1: What is life?
Students will be able to:
- Explain how life evolved and its defining characteristics.
- Execute the main themes in biology at the cellular level.
Unit 2: What is needed for life?
Students will be able to:
- Explain how energy is obtained and moves through living systems to power life processes.
- Summarize the structure and function of the elements and molecules upon which life is built.
- Apply the main themes in biology as it applies to the structures and energy requirements of life.
Unit 3: How is information for life coded and expressed?
Students will be able to:
- Explain how DNA codes for the characteristics of living organisms.
- Predict how traits are expressed based on a genetic code.
- Illustrate how DNA mutations have various impacts on the organism, ranging from no effect to catastrophic.
- Apply the main themes of life to the genetic code for life.
Unit 4: How is information for life inherited and varied?
Students will be able to:
- Illustrate how genetic information is inherited.
- Analyze methods which induce genetic variation.
- Apply the main themes in biology with respect to genetic inheritance and variation.
Unit 5: How is the variation in life affected by biotic and abiotic factors?
Students will be able to:
- Evaluate evidence to describe how evolution drives the unity and diversity of life.
- Predict the frequency of traits based on genetic inheritance and environmental influences.
- Apply the main themes in biology to the unity and diversity of life.
Unit 6: How do living organisms interact with each other and their environment?
Students will be able to:
- Trace the flow of energy and matter throughout the ecosystem.
- Predict how changes in an ecosystem might impact population dynamics.
Unit 7: How do living organisms thrive in diverse and dynamic ecosystems?
Students will be able to:
- Identify the types of symbiotic relationships within an ecosystem.
- Describe the importance of biodiversity, analyze changes in biodiversity, and predict how biodiversity will respond to human or natural changes in the ecosystem.
- Design a solution in response to threatened or lost biodiversity.
Unit 8: Investigations of Life
Students will be able to:
- Plan and conduct an experiment demonstrating that feedback mechanisms aid in maintaining homeostasis.
- Synthesis information and evaluate the main themes in biology.
Course Resources & Materials: District and/or teacher-made resources
Date Last Revised/Approved: May 2018