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AP Biology

Course Description

Students will analyze and relate orally and in writing an understanding of the major concepts of biology, including those of molecular and cell biology, genetics, population biology, and the physiology of plants and animals. In laboratory investigations, students will gather and analyze quantitative data to illustrate many of these concepts. AP Biology is a college level course in content and in difficulty. The AP Biology course is designed by The College Board to be taken only after the successful completion of a first course in high school biology.

*Dual Credit is offered for this course through St. Louis University.

Grade Level(s): 11th-12th

Curricula for Advanced Placement (AP) courses are created by the American College Board, which offers high level coursework and exams to high school students.  Colleges and universities may grant placement and course credit to students who obtain high scores on examinations.  Curriculum for each subject area is created by a panel of experts and college-level educators in that field of study.  The Course Overview for AP Biology can be viewed HEREThe Course & Exam Description (CED) can be found HERE.  

Course-Level Scope & Sequence (Units &/or Skills)

  • Unit 1: Chemistry of Life
  • Unit 2: Cell Structure and Function
  • Unit 3: Cellular Energetics
  • Unit 4: Cell Communication and Cell Cycle
  • Unit 5: Heredity
  • Unit 6: Gene Expression and Regulation
  • Unit 7: Natural Selection
  • Unit 8: Ecology

Date Last Updated: 2020