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Lifeguard Training

Course Description

The Advanced Aquatic Skills & Lifeguard Training course uses the American Red Cross LifeGuarding Training curriculum, which includes certification for lifeguarding and CPR for the professional rescuer. Students will identify and evaluate roles, characteristics, and responsibilities of a professional lifeguard, as well as proper surveillance techniques and emergency action procedures. Students will also identify and analyze facility operations and aquatic injury prevention. The over-all goal(s) is to teach students the lifeguarding skills and knowledge needed to prevent and respond to aquatic emergencies, as well as to teach professional rescuers (those with a duty to respond) the skills needed to respond appropriately to respiratory and cardiac emergencies.

American Red Cross Certification prerequisite: Students must pass a physical test which includes the following:

  1. Swim 300 yards continuously, using the following strokes in order: 100 yards of front crawl using rhythmic breathing and a stabilizing, propellant kick. Rhythmic breathing can be performed either by breathing to the side or to the front; 100 yards of breaststroke using a pull, breathe, kick and glide sequence; and 100 yards of either the front crawl or breaststroke. The 100 yards may be a combination of front crawl and breaststroke.
  2. Starting in the water, swim 20 yards using the front crawl or breaststroke, surface dive 7-10 feet, retrieve a 10-pound object, return to the surface, flip to your back and swim 20 yards back to the starting point with the object and exit the water without using a ladder or steps, within 1 minute, 40 seconds.

Grade Level(s): 10th-12th grades

Related Priority Standards (State &/or National):  Missouri Grade-Level Expectations - Physical Education

Essential Questions

  • Why is physical activity important?
  • Why is proper movement important?
  • Why is it important to develop healthy habits?
  • Why should you be socially and personally responsible?

Enduring Understandings/Big Ideas

  • Regular physical activity is essential for lifetime wellness.
  • Proper movement is essential for lifetime of wellness.
  • Healthy habits are essential for lifetime wellness.
  • Responsible social and personal behavior is key to good citizenship.

Course-Level Scope & Sequence (Units &/or Skills)

  • Unit: Stroke Refinement & Swim Endurance Training
  • Unit: Lifeguarding Precourse Skills Training
  • Unit: Rescue Skills
  • Unit: CPR/AED for the Professional Rescuer
  • Unit: First Aid Skills
  • Unit: Caring for Head, Neck or Back Injuries
  • Unit: Final Skill Scenarios
  • Unit: Introduction to Water Safety Instructor Training

Date Last Revised/Approved:  2017