Advanced Strength, Conditioning & Fitness
Course Description
The Advanced Strength & Conditioning course is designed for those student-athletes and exercise enthusiasts that want to increase their strength and develop advanced lifting skills. Routines consist of a weight-training program based on individual skills and development. The focus is to improve a student's power, strength, flexibility, mobility, muscular endurance, and agility by stressing technique and attention to detail. The class will be particularly beneficial to students aspiring to play sports or cheer/dance after high school.
Students will build on fundamental techniques of strength training, cardiovascular training, stretching, and speed and agility will be taught through this course. Formative and summative assessments documenting individual progress will be used to evaluate student performance. Strength training increases metabolic rate, increases or restores bone density, and improves lean muscle mass, strength, and endurance.
Grade Level(s): 9th-12th grades
Related Priority Standards (State &/or National): Missouri Grade-Level Expectations - Physical Education & SHAPE American National Physical Education Standards
Essential Questions
- What different ways can the body move, given a specific purpose?
- How can we move effectively and efficiently?
- What can we do to be physically active and why is this important?
- Why is it important to demonstrate responsible personal and social behavior?
- How will physical activity help us now and in the future?
Enduring Understandings/Big Ideas
- Students will demonstrate competency in motor skills and movement patterns needed to perform a variety of physical activities.
- Students will demonstrate an understanding of movement concepts, principles, and strategies as they apply to the learning and performance of physical activities.
- Students will participate regularly in physical activity.
- Students will incorporate fitness and wellness concepts to achieve and maintain a health-enhancing level of physical fitness.
- Students will exhibit responsible personal and social behavior that respects self and others in physical activity settings.
- Students will choose physical activity for health, enjoyment, challenge, self-expression, and/or social interaction to sustain a physically active lifestyle.
Course-Level Scope & Sequence (Units &/or Skills)
Unit 1: Motor Skills and Performance
- Students will learn about kinesiology, the musculoskeletal system, core, power, and auxiliary weight training techniques. Students will learn to navigate the weight room with confidence.
- Students will learn proper spotting, lifting, and warm up techniques. Students will learn the importance of goal setting while creating individualized workouts.
- Students will demonstrate competency in motor skills and movement patterns needed to perform a variety of physical activities.
Unit 2: Concepts and Strategies
- Students will learn about kinesiology, the musculoskeletal system, core, power, and auxiliary weight training techniques. Students will learn to navigate the weight room with confidence.
- Students will learn proper spotting, lifting, and warm up techniques. Students will learn the importance of goal setting while creating individualized workouts.
- Students will demonstrate an understanding of movement concepts, principles, and strategies as they apply to the learning and performance of physical activities.
Unit 3: Physical Activity and Participation
- Students will learn about kinesiology, the musculoskeletal system, core, power, and auxiliary weight training techniques. Students will learn to navigate the weight room with confidence.
- Students will learn proper spotting, lifting, and warm up techniques. Students will learn the importance of goal setting while creating individualized workouts.
- Students will participate regularly in physical activity.
Unit 4: Responsible Personal and Social Behavior
- Students will learn about kinesiology, the musculoskeletal system, core, power, and auxiliary weight training techniques.
- Students will learn to navigate the weight room with confidence.
- Students will learn proper spotting, lifting, and warm up techniques. Students will learn the importance of goal setting while creating individualized workouts.
- Students will incorporate responsible personal and social behavior to achieve and maintain a health-enhancing level of physical fitness.
Unit 5: Benefits of Physical Acitivity and Community Building
- Students will learn about kinesiology, the musculoskeletal system, core, power, and auxiliary weight training techniques.
- Students will learn to navigate the weight room with confidence.
- Students will learn proper spotting, lifting, and warm up techniques.
- Students will learn the importance of goal setting while creating individualized workouts.
- Students will choose physical activity for health, enjoyment, challenge, self-expression, and/or social interaction to sustain a physically active lifestyle.
Date Last Revised/Approved: 2022