Algebra III
Course Description
Algebra III is an option offered to students who have successfully completed Algebra II but do not want/need to proceed to Precalculus or Discrete Math. The course will involve students gaining further mastery for solving problems typically found in and extending beyond traditional Algebra II courses. In addition, time will be spent helping students learn how to solve problems typically found on college placement tests. This is not an appropriate course for, and is not recommended for students who have already earned a C or higher in Precalculus or B or higher in Algebra II.
Grade Levels: 10th - 12th
Related Priority Standards (State &/or National): K-12 Mathematics Missouri Learning Standards
Enduring Understanding/Big Ideas:
- Students will determine expressions and values using mathematical operations, procedures and rules.
- Students will translate mathematical information from a single representation or across multiple representations in order to develop processes to solve problems.
- Students will recognize mathematical reasoning requires justification of both process and solution.
- Students will use correct notation, language and mathematical convention to classify concepts and communicate results or solutions.
Course Level Scope & Sequence (Units &/or Skills):
Unit 1: Graphing Exponentials
1.1 Be able to identify the characteristics of Exponential functions
1.2 Be able to transform exponential functions
1.3 Be able to evaluate simple limits involving exponential functions
Unit 2: Exponential Equations
2.1 Be able to simplify algebraic expressions involving exponents.
2.2 Be able to solve algebraic equations involving exponents.
2.3 Be able to use methods for solving exponential equations in real world applications.
Unit 3: Graphing Logarithms
3.1 Be able to identify the characteristics of logarithmic functions
3.2 Be able to transform logarithmic functions
3.3 Be able to evaluate simple limits involving logarithmic functions
Unit 4: Logarithmic Equations
Be able to simplify algebraic expressions involving logarithms.
Be able to solve algebraic equations involving logarithms.
Be able to use methods for solving logarithmic equations in real world applications.
Unit 5: Graphing Rational Functions
Be able to identify the characteristics of Rational functions
Be able to transform Rational functions
Be able to evaluate simple limits involving Rational functions
Unit 6: Rational Equations
Be able to simplify rational expressions involving rational .
Be able to solve algebraic equations involving rational expressions.
Be able to use methods for solving rational equations in real world applications.
Course Resources & Materials: Math Medic, Desmos