Algebra II
Algebra II Curriculum
Course Description
This class continues to develop the fundamental algebraic skills such as: operations, algebraic expressions, and solving equations. Students will develop the ability to create and apply models to situations represented by linear, quadratic, exponential, logarithmic, polynomial, rational, and radical functions. Students engage with relevant mathematical contexts to make math meaningful.
In Units 1 through 3, students will solidify their understanding of expressions, equations, inequalities, and functions. This gives a foundation of simplifying, solving, and graphing in known functions that can later be applied to new situations.
In Units 4 through 10, students will learn to simplify and evaluate expressions, solve equations and check solutions, and model and describe these new functions. They will apply these models to new situations.
As students encounter challenging problems, and practice asking for help and a willingness to learn from others, they build the social emotional learning competencies of self-management, self awareness, relationship skills, and social awareness.
* Honors Algebra 2 follows the same course sequence as Algebra 2 with differences in depth and rigor. Additional topics are embedded in various units to support curriculum standards in future honors and AP courses. These topics include (but are not limited to) difference quotient, Pascal’s Triangle, probability, etc.
Grade Level(s): 10th Grade, 11th Grade
Related Priority Standards (State &/or National): K-12 Mathematics Missouri Learning Standards
Course Essential Questions:
How can students write expressions in the simplest form?
How do students determine the most effective strategy in simplifying expressions and solving equations?
How many solutions are possible for different equations and are they real, complex, or extraneous?
How can a real-world situation be translated into an algebraic equation?
What are the constraints on different functions?
How can students use algebraic functions to graph and represent functions?
What are the benefits of different models of functions?
Enduring Understanding, Goals, & Objectives:
Patterns and relationships can be represented with graphs, tables, and equations.
Functions are a mathematical way to describe relationships between two quantities that vary.
Real world situations can be represented symbolically and graphically.
The number of solutions is determined by the function used to model the situation.
Functions are modeled from their parent functions and transformations.
Course-Level Scope & Sequence (Units &/or Skills)
Unit 1: Expressions and Equations
Students will simplify polynomial expressions.
Students will simplify and perform operations with square and cube roots.
Students will solve linear, radical, absolute value, and literal equations.
Students will solve linear and absolute value inequalities.
Unit 2: Intro to Functions
Students will analyze relations to determine domain, range, and if they are functions.
Students will be able to graph the parent functions of linear, quadratic, square root, cube root, absolute value, and cubic functions alone and in piecewise functions.
Students will recognize and graph vertical transformations to functions and horizontal shifts.
Students will evaluate function notation and function composition.
Students will classify functions as one-to-one and derive its inverse.
Students will determine if two functions are inverses of each other.
Unit 3: Linear Functions
Students will write equations given 2 points, parallel lines, or perpendicular lines.
Students will evaluate slope in various forms.
Students wil graph piecewise functions using linear pieces.
Students will apply linear functions to real life models.
Unit 4: Systems of Linear Fuctions
Students will solve a system by graphing.
Students will solve a system using substitution.
Students will solve a system using elimination.
Students will solve problems of applications of systems.
Students will determine the most efficient method when solving a system of linear equations.
Students will explain what is meant by the solution to a system of linear equations.
Students will explain what is meant by the solutions to a system of inequalities.
Unit 5: Intro to Quadratics Functions
Students will factor quadratics using real numbers.
Students will factor higher degree polynomials with GCF or grouping.
Students will graph quadratics in vertex, and standard form.
Students will be able to convert between vertex and standard form by completing the square.
Unit 6: Complex Numbers and Quadratics
Students will simplify expressions including complex numbers.
Students will solve quadratics equations.
Students will graph quadratic functions.
Students will model quadratic situations and apply that model to a new situation
Unit 7: Exponential Functions
Students will simplify expressions by applying exponent rules.
Students will solve exponential equations with common bases.
Students will solve equations with rational exponents.
Students will model exponential situations and apply that model to a new situation.
Students will graph exponential functions
Unit 8: Logarithmic Functions
Students will simplify expressions by applying logarithmic properties or laws.
Students will solve logarithmic equations.
Students will solve exponential equations with different bases.
Students will model exponential and logarithmic situations and apply that model to a new situation.
Students will graph logarithmic functions.
Unit 9: Polynomial Functions
Students will factor polynomial expressions with or without division.
Students will solve polynomial equations with real and complex roots.
Students will graph and analyze polynomial functions.
Students will create polynomial functions.
Unit 10: Rational Functions
Students will perform operations on rational expressions.
Students will graph and analyze rational functions.
Students will create rational functions.
Students will solve rational equations and check for extraneous solutions.
Course Resources & Materials: DeltaMath, Desmos, Infinite Algebra Series, ACT prep book, Math Medic, and teacher created materials
Date Last Revised/Approved: April 2023