Art & Science of Baking and Pastries
Course Description
The Art and Science of Baking & Pastries offers students authentic opportunities to build upon the beginning baking skills learned in the Art & Science of Foods 1. Students will prepare delectable desserts such as tortes, macaroons and mousses while practicing for Cake Wars & The Next Top Baker challenges. Students will learn to plate eye-catching desserts and design their own custom cake.
Grade Level(s): 9th-12th grades
Related Standards (State &/or National): National Standards for Family Consumer Sciences Education
Essential Questions
- What actions impact the texture of a cookie?
- What variables impact a yeast bread’s texture or product outcome? Why?
- How does the mixing method, the ratio and consistency of wet to dry, and the amount of protein in the flour determine the cake’s/product’s outcome. Why?
- How does temperature, cooking method, and/or the introduction of a starch impact a product’s viscosity? Why?
- How does temperature and technique impact the process and product of baking? Why?
- How do sweeteners, color, height, texture, size and symmetry enhance the taste and appeal of your baked goods?
Enduring Understandings
- How a baked good looks impacts how people think it tastes/quality.
- The ratio and consistency of wet to dry ingredients impacts its consistency/texture.
- Gluten affects the texture, rising ability, and flavor of a product.
- Thickening occurs with a starch that has been heated or a liquid reduced.
- Quick breads are leavened by chemicals and yeast breads are leavened by single-celled fungi.
- Gas bubbles, air, and steam are natural/automatic leaveners.
Course-Level Scope & Sequence (Units &/or Skills)
Unit 1: Batter and Dough - Cookies
This unit will have students examine what variables and actions impact the texture of the cookie. Looking at what makes a chewy cookie and what makes a crispy cookie, students will play with how the type of sweetener (brown sugar, sugar, honey) and the consistency of the butter/fat impacts a cookie’s texture.
Unit 2: Yeast Breads/Rolls
This unit will have students examine how yeast and fat impact a finished baked product. Variables impacting the finished product will include: how the yeast is activated, the dough is manipulated, the resting time allowed; and the type of fat used. Students will make lean and rich dough products to compare how the above variables impact the appearance/taste/texture of the product. The unit will also include a brief introduction of how temperature impacts the dough’s consistency.
Unit 3: Cakes
This unit will have students examine how the mixing method, the ratio of wet to dry ingredients, and the amount of protein in flour will determine the cake's outcome.
Unit 4: Filling - Custards/Creams, Mousses, Meringues, Pie Fillings, & Fruit
This unit will have students examine temperature, cooking method, and/or the introduction of a thinning agent’s impact on a product’s viscosity.
Unit 5: Pastries, Batters, Tarts, Pie Crusts, & Pie Filling
In this unit, students will examine how temperature and technique impact the process and product of baking. They will use butter, other fats and cold water to experiment and understand how these ingredients interact and change the texture of the dough. The other variable they will be playing with is the technique used to handle the dough.
Unit 6: Plating, Icing, Glazes, & Sauces
The contents of this unit are woven into each of the five units. Each unit will have students experiment with different forms of decoration or finishing techniques.
Course Resources & Materials: Miscellaneous baking supplies/ingredients
Date Last Revised/Approved: 2018