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Introduction to Engineering Design (PLTW)

Course Description

Students taking Introduction to Engineering Design dig deep into the engineering design process, applying math, science, and engineering standards to hands-on projects. They work both individually and in teams to design solutions to a variety of problems using 3-D modeling software, and use an engineering notebook to document their work.

Grade Level(s): 9th-12th Grades

Introduction to Engineering Design is a Project Lead the Way course taught by Kirkwood teachers with PLTW curriculum and resources.  Curriculum for each subject area is aligned with Next Generation Science Standards, which align closely with Missouri Learning Standards for Science.  The PLTW Introduction to Engineering Design Course Outline can be viewed HERE.

Course-Level Scope & Sequence (Units &/or Skills)

Unit 1: Design and Problem Solving

Unit 1 provides an overview of the engineering design process and helps students develop an understanding of the purpose and practice of modeling in engineering communication. Students are introduced to modeling methods and practice modeling skills important to the design of mechanical systems, including technical sketching, 3D solid modeling and technical drawing using Computer-Aided Design (CAD), statistical analysis, and prototyping. Emphasis is placed on building CAD skills applied throughout the course. In addition, students learn statistical techniques to evaluate design solutions and apply statistics  to inform the design of a game.

Unit 2: Assembly Design

Unit 2 emphasizes the design of systems of components. Students are introduced to the concept of reverse engineering and how to investigate and document the design of multi-component systems. Students learn various techniques used to connect components in a system, how systems are designed to allow desired interaction between components, and how to identify and select the materials from which products are made. They are also introduced to methods to improve the manufacturability of a product and reduce production costs. Students learn to apply two methods to create 3D assembly models in CAD and apply those techniques to design and document assemblies.

Unit 3: Thoughtful Product Design

Unit 3 introduces students to a broader interpretation of the word design to include universal principles that contribute to successful product design. Students are exposed to design principles (other than the visual design principles presented in Unit 2) that can impact the appeal, usability, safety, and sustainability of a product. Design topics that are introduced or reinforced include product life-cycle, sustainability, manufacturability, human- centered design, and systems thinking.

Unit 4: Making Things Move

Unit 4 focuses on familiarizing students with basic engineering knowledge related to simple mechanical and electrical systems and the use of mathematical models to represent design ideas and to inform design decisions. Students will apply their new knowledge in the design of an electromechanical solution. Students also learn advanced CAD skills to support the design, documentation, and communication of engineering solutions.