Computer Applications II
Computer Applications II
Course Description
Computer Applications II is a hands-on, project based course that allows students the opportunity to continue building their essential skills of communicating and sharing information using the most common productivity apps of Google Workspace: Email, Drive, Docs, Sheets, Slides, Forms, and Sites coupled with Adobe Photoshop. The real-world projects that students complete will allow them to become proficient with these applications. This course develops the student’s knowledge and skill set of computer applications, which can then be applied to their personal, professional, and educational life.
Grade Level(s): 10th-12th Grades
Related Priority Standards (State &/or National): Missouri Computer Science Performance Standards
Essential Questions:
Why are effective communication skills necessary for success in business?
Why is collaboration important in a business environment?
How do computer application software programs help us communicate in our personal, professional, and academic worlds?
How can word processing software improve my written communication?
How do spreadsheet applications simplify data commonly used in business settings?
How can presentation software improve communication with my audience?
What is the purpose of the survey/research?
How does a business effectively communicate with their customers?
Where is graphic design and new media prevalent in our society?
Enduring Understandings:
Effective oral, written, and online communication skills are an integral part of achieving success in the 21st century academic and work environment.
Application of essential business knowledge, creativity, innovation, critical thinking, and problem solving are essential to success in an advanced global economy.
To operate effectively in the business world, collaboration with diverse groups of people in any setting is important.
In the ever changing technology world that we live in, students need to be flexible, life-long learners.
Course-Level Scope & Sequence (Units &/or Skills)
- Unit 1: Google Docs Review - Students will learn to navigate the Google Docs workspace, utilize tools to properly format documents, and create professional communication pieces.
Students will properly format essential business documents.
Students will utilize advanced features of a word processing application.
Students will utilize a word processing application to demonstrate professional writing skills.
Students will create and format business documents such as letters, memos, reports, and press releases.
Students will create and format tables, mail-merge, and graphics.
Students will set up and edit document formatting options such as margins, page orientation, breaks, headers, and footers.
Students will create and edit layout and design formatting for tables and columns.
Students will create and format graphic options such as text wrapping, design, layout, style, and color.
Students will create and edit chart options such as design, titles, axes, data labels, and gridlines.
Students will use appropriate MLA and APA format to cite references in business documents.
- Unit 2: Google Sheets Review - Students will learn when to use spreadsheet software and how to use its basic functions to organize and manipulate data.
Students will understand how spreadsheets can be used to organize and manipulate numerical and categorical data.
Students will use a given set of data to create charts.
Students will utilize spreadsheet features such as: filter, sort, find, format, value, merge, and advanced print options.
Students will create a workbook with formatted spreadsheets.
Students will interpret a spreadsheet/chart information.
Students will enter data into a spreadsheet utilizing cell references, the formula bar, and the fill handle.
Students will calculate data in a spreadsheet by using formulas and functions.
Students will use relative and absolute references to create formulas that can easily be copied to new cell locations.
Students will generate appropriate charts, reports, and graphs for the type of data being used.
Students will visually enhance information with the use of pivot tables and pivot charts.
- Unit 3: Google Slides Review - Students will utilize presentation software to create effective visual aids to improve communication with an audience.
Students will evaluate principles of good design in a presentation.
Students will use the various tools embedded in Google Slides to create a presentation designed to appeal to a target audience including layout features, animation, motion paths, and transitions.
Students will use online resources to collaborate.
Students will effectively use Google Slides to aid in giving a successful presentation.
- Unit 4: Google Forms - Google Forms is an online tool which allows users to create forms, surveys, and quizzes as well as to collaboratively edit and share with other people. In addition, it allows you to analyze results in real time from any device. In this unit, students will explore the Google Forms application and learn the functions and possibilities that are available while applying it to real world situations. Students will create surveys, forms and quizzes, analyze the data and integrate it with other Google applications.
Students will create and send Google Forms.
Students will analyze survey results and data.
Students will customize Google Forms for multiple applications.
Students will design and administer a quiz through Google Forms.
Students will integrate Google applications with Sheets.
- Unit 5: Google Sites - Google sites is a website building platform from Google which allows students to create professional websites without having to know how to code. Students will use the intuitive drag and drop features in Sites to build and customize professional websites for a target audience.
Students will create a Google Site about the basics of financial literacy.
Students will organize text and images on pages.
Students will format text on a webpage to make information clear and easy to read.
Students will embed a Google Map and insert video into a webpage.
- Unit 6: Photoshop
Students will be able to successfully use the eraser, shape, and selection tools.
Students will understand the importance of and navigate and name layers.
Students will understand the concept of masking as it applies to Photoshop.
Students will find and apply fx (effects) to different text, shapes, and graphics in Photoshop.
- Unit 7: Food Truck Entrepreneur Project - This unit is the capstone project for Computer Apps II where students will work on an integrated entrepreneurship, business management, and computer applications project designed to have students create and build their own food truck business. This project will give students a real world view of what it is like to use your creativity, business knowledge, and computer skills to run their own business using Google Workstation apps and Adobe Photoshop.
Students will establish a real-world food truck identity and image.
Students will use computer applications software to complete a comprehensive real-world business food truck business simulation.
Students will use creativity and design skills to produce professional business documents.
Students will apply technical writing skills to develop business documents.
Students will use planning and decision making skills.
Students will apply marketing skills to develop promotional materials.
Students will apply accounting skills to calculate start-up expenses and projected revenue.
Students will use presentation software to create a professional presentation deck.
Course Resources & Materials
B.E. Publishing - Ereadiness: Learn By Doing Google Apps
B.E. Publishing - Ereadiness: Google Doc Specialist
B.E. Publishing - Ereadiness: Food Truck Entrepreneur
Google Edu - Google Learning Center
Edex Adobe - Adobe Educational Exchange
- Adobe Tutorials - Envatos Tuts+ Tutorials
Date Last Revised/Approved: April 2023