Understanding and managing personal finances are key to one's future financial success. This one-semester course is based on the Missouri Personal Finance Competencies and presents essential knowledge and skills to make informed decisions about real world financial issues. The course is designed to help the learner make wise investments, spending, saving, and credit decisions and to make effective use of income to achieve personal financial success. Students will consider how the Rings of Culture (age, gender, religion, class, national, orientation, and ethnicity) influence one’s personal financial decisions. This course prioritizes responsible decision-making and self-management as key competencies for financial success.
Advanced Marketing and Internship is a combined class to provide a unique opportunity to dedicate two class periods of the day to your business and marketing career. Class will be offered during the 6th & 7th hours of the day, focusing on management of the WoodPepNation social media accounts, planning for student section events, and reaching out to and collaborating with at least three local businesses during the year while creating a workplace environment similar to the real world. This course prepares students for any career, with a focus on problem solving, design thinking, professionalism, design skills in Adobe Creative Cloud Suite, and resume-worthy professional experience. Additionally, students will prepare for and participate in DECA, an international business competition. With permission from the instructor, students may take this course for another year. Students may also earn three hours of college credit.
Students taking SmashCode #2 will use the CodeHS introduction to Computer Science in Python 3 curriculum, which teaches the foundations of computer science and basic programming with an emphasis on helping students develop logical thinking and problem solving skills. Once students complete the CodeHS Introduction to Computer Science in Python course, they will have learned material equivalent to a semester college introductory course in Computer Science and be able to program using Python 3.
In this course, students will analyze and evaluate citizen's rights, court structure, criminal, tort, and contract law through case studies, research, written/verbal justification, and hypothetical cases. Landmark cases studied will follow the Bill of Rights.
In Startup! course, students plan, start, and operate their own small business, emphasizing the critical problem-solving skills required to be successful. Students will research business ideas, calculate costs, construct a business plan, identify financing options, develop a marketing plan and operate their business individually or with a partner. Students will also take a field trip to St. Louis University to participate in an entrepreneurship symposium. Startup! is the recommended course for students interested in exploring course offerings within the Pioneer School of Business.
Entrepreneurship facilitates the process of creating a business. Students will learn the startup process of a business while developing a product or service to be offered within the community. Students will utilize skills acquired through PSB to problem-solve, brainstorm, network, reflect, collaborate, manage time, and communicate. Enrollment for the capstone course is contingent upon an invitation from a PSB instructor. Students from other disciplines may enroll if they have previously developed a product or service. Startup! is encouraged as the introductory class. Students from other disciplines can take the class with a teacher's recommendation.
Computer Applications I is designed to help students master beginning and advanced skills in the areas of word processing, database management, spreadsheet applications, desktop publishing, multimedia, Internet usage, and integrated software applications. This is an essential introductory course for all students to be successful in the modern world of technology. Students will obtain the computer skills required to be successful in every area of life. Students will learn the necessary features of Microsoft Office Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Adobe Photoshop. Students will also learn web literacy and online research skills.
The Business Communication course provides students with communication principles, concepts, and techniques that are essential for effective organizational behavior in oral, written, and nonverbal communication situations. Communication strategies utilizing principles of psychology and appropriate methodology are emphasized. Students utilize problem solving skills that can be transferred to work environments after high school.
Class time in the Introduction to Marketing class blends creative group projects and problem-solving challenges. Students will learn the foundations of marketing by creating designs for music festivals, developing a new product and creating social media strategies/graphics, and developing a promotional plan for a new product just introduced to the market. Promotional strategies learned will include digital communication, social media strategy, online advertising, video/audio marketing, graphic design, and many others. Students are also eligible to be in DECA/FBLA through this class. Intro to Marketing is a prerequisite for Advanced Marketing.
SmashCode #1 introduces students to the exciting world of coding via the Python Turtle Graphics programming library. Students will learn the foundations of computer science and the basics of programming, with an emphasis on helping students develop logical thinking and problem solving skills. SmashCode #1 will also provide a smooth transition into SmashCode #2 and is highly recommended for students considering a computer science related field.
Students taking Computer Applications II will design and create workplace themed materials using Photoshop, Microsoft Office, and Google Docs. Students will also discover augmented reality by creating an experience for “clients.” Students will design infographics to enhance visual patterns and information and manage/organize files in Google Drive with a working portfolio. This project-based course gives students experience with digital tools used by small businesses.
Accounting I introduces the core components of accounting, including foundational accounting skills needed by students interested in investing, entrepreneurship, or pursuing careers in business. The course engages students in project-based problem-solving around relevant topics, including analysis of financial statements from real businesses for future investments.