K-2 Library Media
The K-5 Library/Media curriculum assists students in Navigating Library Resources, Text Appreciation, Research, and Digital Citizenship & Technology Literacy. In the K-2 curriculum, district librarians provide guidance and assistance to students as they develop foundational skills in these areas. K-2 elementary students learn how the library is organized, where and how to find resources, how to identify and select appropriate texts, and how to use digital technologies in safe and responsible ways. Beginning research skills (such as accessing a database) are modeled and taught in a scaffolded manner and often in support of content area projects. Students read a variety of books and literary genres for a variety of purposes, chief among them to spark curiosity, lead learning, and inspire a love for reading and appreciation for literature. Through the reading of a diverse collection of state and national nominees and award-winning texts (i.e., Dogwood Readers, Show Me Readers, Newbury Medal, Caldecott), students have opportunities to make connections to their own lives and learn about the diversity of others.
Grade Level(s): K-2
Related Priority Standards (State &/or National):
- Missouri Learning Standards for English/Language Arts (K-5)
- American Association of School Librarians (AASL) Standards
- International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) Standards
K-12 Library Media Curricula have common Essential Questions and Enduring Understandings/Big Ideas. These are organized across four common K-12 strands - Navigating Library Resources, Text Appreciation, Research, and Digital Citizenship & Technology Literacy. Learning within a given grade level is meant to build upon previous work.
Essential Questions
Strand: Navigating Library Resources
- How do I find what I need?
- What is the purpose of the library?
- How can I use my library skills to be more effective in finding what I seek?
- Who is included in the library community?
Strand: Text Appreciation
- How does literacy help us to better understand ourselves and our world?
- How can I understand, utilize, and appreciate all types of text?
- How do I select the right book for me?
- How do I select books that are windows and mirrors for me?
Strand: Research
- How do I find what I need to know?
- How can others help me grow my thinking?
- How do I evaluate and use sources ethically, appropriately, and critically?
- How do I share my learning?
Strand: Digital Citizenship & Technology Literacy
- How can I manage my identity in a global, digital world?
- How can I be safe and ethical with technology?
- How can I share my ideas and knowledge with the world?
- How do I efficiently and responsibly navigate through a digital world?
Enduring Understandings/Big Ideas
Strand: Navigating Library Resources
- Patrons bring curiosity to the library.
- Patrons seek answers to their questions.
- Patrons are part of a larger community and are responsible for care of the resources and the space.
- Patrons can seek and find materials that offer a diversity of perspectives.
- Patrons can navigate the library using skills such as searching, locating, and evaluating.
- Patrons provide recommendations and feedback within the library community.
- Patrons collaboratively build the library’s collection.
Strand: Text Appreciation
- Readers will explore a variety of materials for lifelong learning and recreational reading.
- Readers will share and reflect on what they read.
- Readers select books that represent diverse ideas, cultures, and genres of literacy.
- Reading for pleasure or information has lifelong application.
Strand: Research
- Researchers display curiosity through inquiry by defining a topic and generating questions.
- Researchers work together to broaden and deepen understandings and solve problems with information.
- Researchers engage with information ethically, appropriately, and critically, both online and in print
- Researchers read widely and critically to ask and answer questions.
Strand: Digital Citizenship & Technology Literacy
- Digital citizens take active roles by asking questions about their digital world.
- Digital citizens seek and share in ethical and responsible ways when they are online.
- Digital citizens use collaborative technologies to work with others, including peers, experts, and community members, to examine issues and problems through multiple perspectives.
- Digital citizens select and organize information from digital resources using a variety of tools and methods.
- Digital citizens create collections of artifacts that demonstrate meaningful connections or conclusions.
- Digital citizens consider the impact of what they share with the online community.
Course-Level Scope & Sequence (Units &/or Skills)
Skills are organized into four strands - Navigating Library Resources, Text Appreciation, Research, and Digital Citizenship & Technology Literacy. In addition, skills within these strands fall into one of several domains, noted below in parentheses. These include Inquire (I), Include & Collaborate (I/C), Curate & Explore (C/E), and Engage (E).
Navigating Library Resources (K-2)
- Ask questions to help find is needed (I)
- Share one’s questions with others (I)
- Be responsible for library materials (I/C)
- Understand that ideas can be presented in different ways by different people (I/C)
- Notice different types of books and seek out a variety of resources (E/C)
- Understand that different books belong in different locations in the library (E/C)
- Engage with library staff about readerly life (E)
- Seek materials based on interests and purpose (E)
Text Appreciation (K-2)
- Learn to select books based on enjoyment and readability (I)
- Ask peers and adults for reading recommendations (I)
- Relate to books as windows and mirrors (I)
- Share and reflect on what I read, through recommendations, reviews, book groups (I/C)
- Read books about different people, cultures and experiences (E/C)
- Begin to identify individual preferences for certain authors and genres (E/C)
- Explain differences between fiction and nonfiction texts (E/C)
- Make text-to-self, text-to-text and text-to-world connections when reading and/or listening to a text (E)
- Listen to and evaluate books nominated for various state awards (E)
Research (K-2)
- Ask questions and use what is known to learn more (I)
- Listen to others’ ideas in a kind way (I/C)
- Share my ideas respectfully (I/C)
- Be aware that we are the same and different (I/C)
- Think about what information is needed to answer questions (E/C)
- Thoughtfully consider which sources to use (E/C)
- Be responsible in use of information, technology, and media (E)
- Understand what it means to use information, technology, and media in ethical ways (E)
- Think about the information used and if it is correct and not harmful to others (E)
Digital Citizenship & Technology Literacy (K-2)
- Ask questions in one’s online world (I)
- Understand that the Internet is a community of real people (I/C)
- Be safe online by keeping information private and accessing approved sites (E/C)
- Demonstrate an understanding of technology as a learning tool (E)
Course Resources & Materials
In addition to books and other materials available for checkout, library media resources include
- Follet Destiny
- PebbleGo
- World Book Kids
- Gale in Context - Elementary
- Explora: An EBSCO Experience
- Common Sense Education Digital Citizenship Lessons
Online resources available through ConnectED & St. Louis County Library
Date Last Revised/Approved: 2018