Fourth Grade Health
Course Description
Students will identify and describe the basic structure and function of the male and female reproductive system (e.g., menstrual cycle, nocturnal emissions). Students will learn to identify and describe the basic structure and functions of the endocrine system including growth (pituitary), reproduction (ovaries, testes), fight or flight responses (adrenal), energy, and metabolism (thyroid). Students will relate the effects of human actions towards people with diverse backgrounds and demonstrate ways to effectively communicate. Students will identify steps of conflict resolution: (1) identify the conflict; (2) agree to disagree; (3) listen to each other; (4) negotiate; (5) compromise on a solution.
Grade Level(s): Fourth Grade
Related Priority Standards (State &/or National): K-12 Health Education Missouri Grade Level Expectations
Essential Questions
- How do the body systems function and work together?
- Why is it important to know my body?
- What are the basic structures and functions of the endocrine system?
- What information and skills do I need to resolve conflict and mediate disputes?
- How do I advocate for personal, family, and community health?
- In what ways do family, peers, culture, media, technology and other factors influence health-related behaviors and decisions?
- How do healthy decision-making skills effectively enhance health and well-being?
- What knowledge, skills, and behaviors support personal safety?
- How do I identify trusted adults who support my healthy development?
Enduring Understandings
- Students will understand the positive and negative effects of social media and understand how to implement healthy coping strategies.
- Students will be able to advocate for themselves and understand how to advocate for their peers.
- Students will understand how to protect themselves and report violence, accidents, and injuries.
- Students will understand how to deal with interpersonal relationship conflict and work to create a positive outcome.
- Students will learn how to listen to a peer with empathy and work towards a compromise.
- Students will learn how to use restorative practices to cultivate empathy and community.
- Students will be able to recognize the rapid changes in adolescent development.
Course-Level Scope & Sequence (Units &/or Skills)
- Unit 1: Concepts of Wellness
Students will have an understanding of what it means to be physically, socially, emotionally, and mentally well. They will learn how to improve upon different facets of wellness (how to cope with stress in a healthy way, how exercise benefits the body, and hygiene) in a way that is individualized and significant to the student. Students will learn about various body systems and how different organs interact with one another.
- Unit 2: Mental, Emotional, and Social Health & Goal Setting
Students will have an understanding of healthy social-emotional skills, including conflict resolution, self-regulation, coping, advocacy, and safety. They will learn the importance of goal setting and building positive relationships.
- Unit 3: Analyzing Influences & Decision Making
Students will have an understanding of factors that influence health and wellness (nutrition, substance abuse, peer conflict resolutions, and coping strategies). They will learn the importance of developing healthy habits for optimal lifestyles.
- Unit 4: Healthy and Safe Relationships
Students will analyze what it means to be a good friend and learn to demonstrate the characteristics of a good friend. Students will learn to identify positive adult relationships and what constitutes an inappropriate relationship. They will be able to identify safe versus unsafe behaviors in various environments and settings (water safety, train track safety, stranger safety, etc.). Students in the 4th and 5th grades will be introduced to human growth and development changes during puberty.
Date Last Revised/Approved: 2022