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Second Grade Writing

Course Description

Writing is a meaning-making process that requires the synthesis of skills to effectively communicate. K-5 students are immersed in daily opportunities to explore, inquire, practice and apply writing strategies and skills in a variety of genres. Cultivating writers who write with the reader in mind is guided by the connection between reading and writing process to convey authentic messages. Self-selected writing topics guided by positive, specific feedback ignite the joy and passion to grow as lifelong communicators.

Grade Level(s): Second Grade

Related Priority Standards (State &/or National):  K-5 Missouri Learning Standards & ELA Priority Standards

Essential Questions

  • How does a writer know his/her writing is clear?
  • What makes an interesting narrative?
  • How do authors begin & end their stories?
  • How do authors convey sequence?
  • How do writers organize their ideas to aid comprehension?
  • Who is the audience and why does it matter?
  • How does an author's choice of voice, tone and mood affect the audience's perception/understanding?
  • Why does one write an argumentative piece?
  • Why is my argumentative writing worth reading?
  • How do my experiences impact my opinions?
  • Where do ideas for writing come from?
  • How do writers organize their ideas?
  • What makes an effective argument?
  • How does a writer know his/her writing is clear?
  • Why does one write an informational/explanatory text?
  • When does one write an informational/explanatory text?
  • How do writers choose relevant facts?
  • What determines accurate information?
  • How does one know a source is credible?
  • How does one know an author is credible?
  • How does an author's choice of voice and register affect the audience's perception/understanding?

Enduring Understandings/Big Ideas

  • Writing clearly is essential to effective communication.
  • Details enhance a narrative.
  • Appropriate transitions enhance continuity.
  • Narratives have a variety of organizational structures.
  • Narratives are written in a variety of forms.
  • Audience and purpose influence a writer's choice of organizational pattern, language, and literary techniques.
  • Expressing an opinion is a right that is to be valued and respected.
  • As our experiences change, so can our opinions.
  • Researched evidence supports a strong opinion.
  • Appropriate transitions enhance the continuity of writing.
  • Informational text is characterized by a formal style.
  • Well-chosen facts are specific to the topic, relevant to the audience and logically presented.

Course-Level Scope & Sequence (Units &/or Skills)

  • Unit 1: Lessons from the Masters
  • Unit 2: Nonfiction Writing Projects
  • Unit 3: Writing About Reading
  • Unit 4: Poetry: Big Thoughts in Small Packages

* The above adjustments to scope and sequence are pending Board approval on August 22, 2022.

Course Resources & Materials

Date Last Revised/Approved: 2013