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Kindergarten Art

Course Description

In each unit in Kindergarten, students have the opportunity to create, present, respond to, and connect with a variety of artworks. They plan and create artworks, develop skills using art materials, and learn to use artistic vocabulary to describe and respond to art. Students will work with clay, drawing, painting, printmaking, and color theory.

Grade Level(s): Kindergarten

Related Priority Standards (State &/or National):  Missouri Fine Arts Standards

Essential Questions

  • How do artists learn the steps to make things with clay?
  • What is the same and what is different about our designs?   
  • What different kinds of lines and shapes can we make?
  • How do different kinds of lines and shapes create different reactions?
  • What can we make with a repeatable print?                           
  • How will you decide which artworks to display?
  • How can we make the colors we want for our painting?
  • How can we create an image by layering paper?                               
  • How can we create a pattern by layering paper?                               
  • How do we know when we are using tools safely?
  • How do we talk about the art we are studying?

Enduring Understandings/Big Ideas

  • Works of art can be both useful and beautiful.                                
  • Artists can follow a process and be creative.
  • Artists learn from imitation and experimentation.                                
  • Artists have an intended purpose for their artworks.    
  • People choose the artwork they want to display based on what they like and want to show others.
  • People describe the details in their artworks and explain what they like about them. 
  • Artists and curators choose which artworks to display in a museum to get people interested.    
  • Gadgets allow artists to repeat prints and create patterns.
  • All colors come from mixing the primary colors.                                
  • Colors are organized. The results of mixing colors are predictable.    
  • People represent everyday life in artworks.                                
  • People respond to art by describing and reacting to the details.
  • Artists learn how to use tools safely.                                
  • Artists learn by experimenting and imitating.

Course-Level Scope & Sequence (Units &/or Skills)

Unit 1 - Clay: Pinch Pot

  • Students will learn the basic handbuilding techniques of a pinch pot. 
  • Students will learn how to form a ball from the clay, open the center, and thin the walls to create a pinch pot.  
  • Students will finish their completed clay project with glaze or paint.

Unit 2 - Drawing Lines, Shapes, and Patterns

  • Students will explore line, shape and pattern to create a drawing. 
  • Students will explore a variety of mark-making tools including pencils, markers, crayons, oil pastels, and colored pencils.

Unit 3 - Simple Printmaking: Gadget

  • Students will explore simple printmaking using gadgets. 
  • Gadgets can be clothes pins, cardboard, bubble wrap, beaded necklaces and any found objects. 
  • Students will explore and select items for gadget printing to create a work of art 
  • Students will explain their preferences in the printmaking project when selecting art for presentation.

Unit 4 - Painting Color: Mixing Paint to Make Colors

  • Students will mix primary colors to make secondary colors. 
  • Students will use color mixing to create a landscape featuring secondary colors. 
  • Students will identify and describe the subject and relevant details of their painting.

Unit 5 - Collage: Cut and Torn Paper

  • Students will create a collage by cutting and tearing paper. 
  • Students will build the artwork from the back to the front or layering large shapes first and then small shapes last.  
  • Students will use a variety of adhesives such as glue bottles and glue sticks while practicing safety of cutting equipment.

Course Resources & Materials: Art of Education, Flex Curriculum & Pro Learning

Date Last Revised/Approved: 2022