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Multi-Tiered Systems of Support

Screening Within an MTSS Framework

The Kirkwood School District (KSD) promotes student success through collaborative teamwork that enables each student to learn at their full potential. This process, MTSS (Multi-Tiered Systems of Support), uses information gathered through classroom observation and assessments to determine how our staff can work toward meeting each individual child’s needs. The MTSS process provides multi-tiered levels of support around academic, behavioral and social/emotional goals that include:

  • High-quality classroom instruction for all students (Universal)
  • Screening of all K-8 students three times a year (fall, winter, and spring), using brief assessments to get a quick check on where students are performing relative to a national group of children in the same grade
  • Frequent progress monitoring (brief assessments) to evaluate the effectiveness of our supplemental instruction
  • Supplemental and intensive instruction/interventions that support individual student needs and are delivered in addition to Universal instruction(Supplemental and Intensive)
  • Ongoing communication with families about student progress toward goals.

All students are engaged in high-quality instruction in the general education classroom. In addition, our multi-level intervention structures allow students to receive Supplemental and Intensive instructional supports, as necessary.  Each student’s academic achievement is consistently monitored by the teacher and, as necessary, the MTSS team. If a student requires additional intervention, the Supplemental and /or Intensive supports are in addition to what all students receive, not a replacement for classroom instruction. The MTSS Team and the classroom teacher closely monitor the child’s progress using data.  Our MTSS data-based decision-making model leads to increased collaboration and improved student outcomes for each individual learner.

The screening of all K-8 students is an essential component of the district’s MTSS process and meets the requirement of Missouri House Bill No. 2379.   This bill was passed in 2017 to ensure all school districts conduct early screening to identify children with deficits in basic reading skills or dyslexia.  As outlined above, students who are identified as at risk will receive targeted Supplemental and/or Intense instruction to address their individual needs. If your child is identified as at risk, you will receive an intervention plan developed by your child’s MTSS team, unless your child’s current IEP already addresses this need.

MTSS Chart