FastBridge Assessments
Kirkwood uses FastBridge's research-based assessments for universal screening and progress monitoring for reading, math, and social-emotional behaviors. A majority of our K-1 focus is on Early Reading Composite and Early Math Composite, while aReading and aMath adaptive assessments are the primary focus in 2nd-8th grades. KSD uses SAEBRS and mySAEBRS to assess the social, academic, emotional, and behavioral risk of students in grades 3-12. For additional information about the FastBridge assessments, visit their website.
Early Reading Composite - K/1
- The earlyReading assessments are evidenced-based and comprised of 12 sub-tests. Of those sub-tests, FastBridge recommends a composite of four specific sub-tests to be given per benchmark period. The composite varies from fall, winter, or spring, per grade level to best match reading skill development and reliably assess risk. The composite is typically completed in 5-10 minutes per student. The remaining assessments may be used as needed to further evaluate skill deficits. Results help identify student risk while informing instruction.
Early Math Composite - K/1
- The earlyMath assessments are comprised of 14 sub-tests. Of those sub-tests, FastBridge provides recommendations for specific combinations of up to four sub-tests to be given per benchmark period. This composite varies from fall, winter, or spring per grade level to best match math skill development and reliably assess performance. The composite is typically completed in 5-10 minutes per student. The remaining assessments may be used as needed to further evaluate skill deficits. Results help identify student risk while informing instruction.
aReading (Adaptive Reading) - 2nd-8th Grades
- aReading is a computer-administered adaptive measure of broad reading for our students in grades 2-8. aReading is individualized for each student and can be group administered in about 15-30 minutes. aReading items assess broad reading ability and predict overall reading achievement in concepts of print, phonological awareness, phonics, vocabulary, comprehension, orthography, and morphology. Substantial research evidence shows that aReading provides a robust estimate of broad reading achievement in grades K-12. It is useful to predict performance on high-stakes assessments (e.g., state tests).
aMath (Adaptive Math) - 2nd-8th Grade
- aMath is a fully-automated, computer-adaptive measure of broad math skills for our students in grades 2-8. It is individualized for each student and can be group administered in roughly 20-30 minutes. Test items measure broad math abilities and predict overall math achievement in counting and cardinality, operations and algebraic thinking, number and operations in Base Ten, number and operations with fractions, measurement and data, and geometry. The type of questions and response format is similar to the MAP test (i.e., multiple-choice, fill in the blank), with both auditory and visual stimuli presented for each question. Extensive research has enabled the aMath test of 30 items to replace a traditional 100-item test, with high accuracy and actionable results.
mySAEBRS - 3rd-12th Grades
- mySAEBRS is a 20-item online rating scale that students complete online. Items are organized into three subscales - Social, Academic, and Emotional. The items in each subscale include short statements related to the student’s typical daily behaviors, with a four-level rating scale at the bottom of the screen (never, sometimes, often, to almost always). Kirkwood students in grades 3-12 will typically take the mySAEBRS assessment twice a year. In addition, teachers in K-5 typically complete a SAEBRS assessment on each of their students in October and March.